The New Wave Prophecy

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In the 1980s, a spiritual shift occurred and an unseen darkness exploded across the planet. The keepers of the light were cut off from the next generation, tasked with holding up the remaining pillars until the next activation. 

In 2020, the next generation of sacred partners completed their activation - but there was a catch. The pillars had fallen several years prior and resources were low. Without the loving light of the previous keepers, the new wave was forced to learn the hard way. 

If 2017 holds significance in your life, trust that you are not alone on this path. April of 2024 will mark the beginning of the next seven year cycle - are you ready for a paradigm shift and a new home? Order the Introductory video and prepare to take notes. The New Wave has arrived.





About the Series

Prophetic Teachings & Astro-Energy Downloads

Our initial video will introduce the New Wave Prophecy to the collective for the first time, mapping out larger cycles from 2016 to 2057. (If you did not enter union prior to 1980, there is a high likelihood you are a part of this new wave.)
The first teaching will explore the Divine Masculine energies in opposition, including the cycles between 2009 and 2015 as well as 2017 and 2023.
The second teaching will focus on the equal and opposite energies the new seven year cycle will bring, and the forecasted changes to expect from an aligned and enlightened Divine Masculine. In the third teaching, we will be exploring new energies and how the past, the present, the future, and the moon all connect throughout 2024. Mr. LightWork reviews the Divine Masculine energies in opposition in our fourth teaching.

Our fifth teaching discusses the Four Pillars and how rebuilding the temple strengthens the flamekeepers. The sixth teaching expands on the season of Divine Manifestation between 2024 and 2030, and takes a closer look at the New Wave Prophecy download.

In the first part of our initial astrology modules, we will build our foundational understanding of the past generational waves by analyzing major cycles. In the second part, we will move on to our overview of the present and future generational waves. We will also explore why our generation is so important and what we should be doing in the coming seasons.  

The second astrology download provides an overview of our collective activation day, as well as the strategies our chart provides for separation and reunion. The third part of the astrology series takes a deeper look at the supernatural energies impacting our collective journey over the last four decades, and those to come in the seasons ahead.




Course Catalogue


NWP Teachings - No. 000
Introduction to the New Wave Prophecy

NWP Teachings - No. 001
The DM in Opposition: 2017 to 2023 Review

NWP Teachings - No. 002
The DM in Alignment: 2024 to 2030 Predictions

NWP Teachings - No. 003
The Moon & The New Wave in 2024: Shifting into a New Energy

NWP Teachings - No. 004
The DM in Opposition: 2017 to 2023 Review by Mr. LightWork, the enlighteneDM

NWP Teachings - No. 005
The Four Pillars: Understanding the Framework of the New Wave Master Plan  

NWP Teachings - No. 006
The Fourth Season & 2024 to 2030 Predictions

NWP Teachings - No. 007 
Eclipse Breakdown: 2017 to 2024 (and Beyond)


Astrology Series

NWP Astrology Series - Module 1A
Exploring Cycles: Astrology & The Past Generational Waves

NWP Astrology Series - Module 1B
Exploring Cycles: The Present Generational Waves

NWP Astrology Series - Module 2A
Charting our Destiny: Our Wave Birth Chart

NWP Astrology Series - Module 2B 
Charting our Destiny: Our Wave Separation Strategy

NWP Astrology Series - Module 3A
The Life and Times of the New Wave: Our Wave Lifetime

NWP Astrology Series - Module 3B 
The 8 Seasons of Every Wave: Lifetime Overview


Twin Flame Series

Searching for Truth - NWP 0000
Twin Flames and the New Wave

Searching for Truth - NWP 1 1 1 1
Simply Complex: Understanding the Journey

Searching for Truth - NWP 2222
Twin Flames and Social Media

Searching for Truth - NWP 3333
Origins, Myths, & Resonance

Searching for Truth - NWP 4444
Reunion, The Other Side

Searching for Truth - NWP 5555
Avoiding the Ego Trap

Searching for Truth - NWP 6666
The Great Deception

Searching for Truth - NWP 7777
The True Path to Divine Partnership