Collective Support Group

  • बिक्री
  • $7.77
  • सामान्य कीमत $22.22
चेकआउट के दौरान शिपिंग की गणना की गई

This group is for Twin Flames who want to surround themselves with likeminded Divine Feminine's and turn their journey around! Together we will find balance and gain wisdom, building positive relationships with fellow workers of light.


During the first year, you will have the opportunity to participate in weekly and bimonthly ascension-focused reunion activities. After your program ends, you will have access to the group as long as you would like to stay, giving and receiving support via fellow members.


Access to the 180° Collective Support Group includes:

1. Access to the lifetime support Facebook group.

2. Bimonthly accountability activities for your journey.

3. Weekly discussion topics for your ascension.

4. Question & Answer opportunities with your coach.

5. Ascension-focused collective discourse with your coach and group members.



Each year, the group will work through four major energies. 

Fall Course: Swords of Wisdom
Winter Course: Cups of Emotion
Spring Course: Wands of Passion
Summer Course: Pentacles of Power


If you have questions about this group, email Grace at Due to the number of lengthy emails we receive each day, longer messages are set aside for later. If you have a quick question and need a quick answer, keep your email brief (i.e. one to three sentences).