The Golden Ticket Giveaway is on now - and these special savings won't last, so get them while you still can! Any single purchase of $22.22 or more qualifies you for one entry to the Golden Ticket Giveaway - sale pricing included.
All specials must be claimed, sent, and/or scheduled no later than 3/30.
Clients may purchase multiple sessions. Sessions cannot be combined. Only one session may take place per day; clients are limited to two sessions per week.
At this time, sessions will take place on Sundays and Wednesdays between 10AM and 7PM Eastern Standard Time (US).
West Coast Appointment Times (Daytime)
7AM Sunday to 4PM Sunday
7AM Wednesday to 4PM Wednesday
UK Appointment Times (Afternoon + Evening)
3PM Sunday to 12AM Monday
3PM Wednesday to 12AM Thursday
Brisbane Appointment Times (Morning)
1AM Monday to 10AM Monday
1AM Thursday to 10AM Thursday